Auction Report 7th Nov 2015 – Lots of good lots

A very well attended Badger Farm auction.
The Badger Farm Community Center was full with 380 lots and 100 bidders.

The sellers brought in some great lots. The buyers flourished their bidding cards with enthusiasm. Another very good auction.

Below you can see the top ten lots. They included a collection of cut glass glasses – some Waterford at £135 and a pair of Harrods silver sauce boats at £120. Stieff teddy bears did well and there were valuable collections including a Victorian leather bound scrapbook, nautical charts, model soldiers, pocket watches, jewellry and china.

There were more lots selling for over £25 than previous months. Sellers are bringing valuable items and the buyers are there to purchase them.

We get many visitors to our web site and what they want to know is “What is in the next sale?”. Sellers please look out for the “Post your lots” page, a couple of weeks before the next auction. You can add descriptions and optionally images of your lots. Your entries will be indexed by Google and appear in search results the following day.

Our next auction will be at Itchen Abbas Village Hall on the Saturday 5th December. We look forward to seeing you there with all your great lots and plenty of cash!

Lot 131 - Collection of cut glass glasses, some Waterford - Sold for £135
Lot 131 – Collection of cut glass glasses
Sold for £135

Lot 308 - Two Harrods silver plated sauce boats - Sold for £120
Lot 308 – Two Harrods silver plated sauce boats
Sold for £120

Lot 158 - Limited edition Stieff muzzled bear - Sold for £90
Lot 158 – Limited edition Stieff muzzled teddy bear
Sold for £90

Lot 165 - A large collection of charts and Atlas of Tides and Tidal Streams - Sold for £80
Lot 165 – A large collection of charts and Atlas of Tides and Tidal Streams
Sold for £80

Lot 171 - Possibly Victorian leather bound scrapbook - Sold for £75
Lot 171 – Possibly Victorian leather bound scrapbook
Sold for £75

Lot 153 - Stieff Joseph Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Bear - Sold for £60
Lot 153 – Stieff Joseph Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Teddy Bear
Sold for £60

Lot 361 - Collection of model soldiers and prints - Sold for £55
Lot 361 – Collection of model soldiers and prints
Sold for £55

Lot 54 - A collection of pocket watches mounted in a glazed frame - Sold for £50
Lot 54 – A collection of pocket watches mounted in a glazed frame
Sold for £50

Lot 125 - A selection of silver jewelry - Sold for £50
Lot 125 – A selection of silver jewellry with rolled gold chain
Sold for £50

Lot 279 - Oriental tea service - Sold for £46
Lot 279 – Spode Oriental tea service
Sold for £46